It's 1984 and first Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Police Academy and Beverly Hills Cop are in theaters. And these amazing exhausts are in Mugen's lineup for Prelude, CRX and Civic!
Right click to see the full size image.

Check out this radical design on the City exhaust:

Here's your chance to get a Mugen exhaust for your 8th Gen Civic coupe or sedan!
As with all Mugen systems, the 8th Gen Coupe setup is perfect in fit, finish, sound and performance. This amazing system features all-stainless steel construction, perfect mandrel bends -- finished with a polished tip with the Mugen logo laser etched into it. The piping is 60mm and both the front silencer and unique 3-sided rear muffler are perfectly constructed from stainless steel.
And the sound is all Mugen - deep and throaty when you're on the throttle, mellow at cruising speed. No droning or rasping, just that signature Mugen tone. Listen to a sound clip on YouTube.
Here are pictures we took recently of the system installed on a customer's 8th Gen Civic Si sedan!

John Hinrichs really likes his Honda CR-Z. Apparently he also really likes Mugen.
For his fourth major Mugen modification on his CR-Z, John opted for a set of Mugen 17x7 GP wheels in Gunmetal. As with his other mods, John worked directly with King Motorsports President and CEO, Scott Zellner. Scott: "The color of the Gunmetal GP's are a perfect compliment to the Black CR-Z." John is equally happy with his purchase, "I love the way these wheels look!" After each upgrade, John usually sends a picture and a note, or stops by to show us the results, as he did recently with after the GP wheels were installed.
John's other Mugen mods are the Mugen 5-Way Sport Suspension, Mugen Carbon-Fiber Air Intake and Mugen Cat-Back Exhaust.

** We just got this note and review from John Hinrichs - Thanks John! **

This afternoon I was able to take my CR-Z out for its first fun drive since I picked it up from KMS. I've driven 30 minutes home, eaten dinner, made myself comfortable on my couch and there is still a big goofy grin on my face. As much as i love the car itself, I have to give credit for this persistent smile to the Mugen suspension and exhaust you installed.
The factory suspension on the CR-Z was skewed to the comfort side. Nice for running up and down the interstate, but when it came to corners the car would roll to the outside before it set into the turn. With the Mugen system the car just turns in.
Before I set off, I set all four shocks to 5 (full hard). On the way to my choice bit of road, an area of backroads just south of Friess Lake, I rode over miles of lumpy concrete highways, chewed up blacktop side roads, and more than a few potholes. The Mugen suspension let me know exactly what kind of surface I was on, but it was never harsh or abrupt.
The roads I set out to drive are not the newest. A patched, narrow, blacktop ring of roads that wind around and over the wooded hills of the area -- including a beautifully tight little switchback (which is a rare thing in southeastern Wisconsin). The car just devoured it, staying flat and collected throughout. Even in places where the corners were pieced together and uneven, the tires were held down tight, following the rough pavement without any hint of the skittishness that comes with a tire bouncing over the bumps I knew were there.
After driving the 7 mile loop once in each direction, I pulled over to set the shocks to full soft. Five minutes later I was driving the loop for a third time just to listen to my car. The stock exhaust note isn't non-existent, and the Mugen system isn't overly loud (I don't get complaints from the neighbors when I get called out to work at 2am like i do with my CRX), it just dials up the bass a couple notches. In the last few weeks of commuting it has never been intrusive or droning. I didn't even have to adjust the volume on the stereo. But on these roads, full throttle from 4k to 6k RPM, the sound echoing off the trees was incredible. It makes me want to find a tunnel just to listen.
Oh, and in regular highway driving I'm up 2 MPG since the new exhaust was installed. Win/win.
Thanks for everything,
John Hinrichs
Ride along as we take the yet-to-be-released Mugen CR-Z Exhaust System out on the open roads outside our shop!
This video compares the sound and performance of the OEM exhaust against the stainless Mugen system. You'll get a great look at the distinctive triangular-shaped exhaust tip that Mugen designed for this system.
> IN CAR OEM Exhaust: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Gear / WOT
> IN CAR OEM Exhaust: 4th Gear Roll On / WOT / 40mph-70mph
> IN CAR Mugen Exhaust: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Gear / WOT
> IN CAR Mugen Exhaust: 3rd Gear Roll On / Partial Throttle / 30mph-60mph
> BEHIND CAR Mugen Exhaust: Exterior Startup, Rev, Pullaway
> DRIVE BY Mugen Exhaust
Unleash the GRRR in your CR-Z -- shipping soon from King Motorsports!
See all of our videos on the King Motorsports YouTube Channel.